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2025 Ota Students to Salem

July 20July 30

We will once again welcome 28 students from Ota this July.  We will be emailing you with more information soon, but we wanted to get the dates out to you as soon as possible.  That way you can  know when they are coming and you can plan your family trips accordingly.
This is the information from Midori Oka:
Want to host a Japanese middle school student from Salem’s sister-city Ota, Tokyo??
Dates will be July 20 to 30.
The student will be 13 or 14 years old; it is a requirement that you have at least one child of a similar age. But, ages 9 – 17 are also fine.
The only other requirement is to welcome with open arms!
Email midori.oka.home@gmail.com for more information.
Thank you for your interest and please help to recruit friends and family!!  🙂


July 20
July 30


Salem, MA